Every Win & Loss
The below track record shows all official positions we’ve closed in our services and how they fared…
every winning & losing trade,
exactly when they were officially entered & exited,
logically & reasonably factoring in meaningful details such as dividends collected & splits while holding positions, etc.
Profit/Loss % does NOT include highly-variable-but-tangible costs such as commissions charged by brokers and/or taxes, because those tend to differ for each investor. As always, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, so see this record as simply a statement of what has been done and not necessarily what will be accomplished in the future. In “Important Notes” below this record, see related details about the calculations.
SPT | SMST | 11/21/24 | 3.58 | 11/26/24 | 7.16 | 100.00% |
SPT | GDDY | 10/31/24 | 166.17 | 11/25/24 | 199.40 | 20.00% |
SPT | GLD | 11/06/24 | 245.86 | 11/22/24 | 249.85 | 1.62% |
SPT | GCZ24 | 11/06/24 | 2671.00 | 11/22/24 | 2707.80 | 29.09% |
SPT | CIEN241115C62.5 | 10/21/24 | 4.60 | 10/25/24 | 5.50 | 19.57% |
SPT | HON | 06/04/24 | 207.50 | 10/23/24 | 220.26 | 6.67% |
SPT | NFLX | 08/15/24 | 662.08 | 10/23/24 | 749.32 | 13.18% |
SPT | ACGL | 08/21/24 | 103.79 | 10/23/24 | 106.99 | 3.08% |
SPT | MMM 241115C135 | 10/14/24 | 6.10 | 10/22/24 | 7.60 | 24.59% |
SPT | CVLT | 10/08/24 | 157.15 | 10/15/24 | 144.15 | -8.27% |
SPT | HOOD | 09/12/24 | 21.54 | 10/11/24 | 25.92 | 19.98% |
SPT | GPN | 09/26/24 | 4.30 | 09/30/24 | 6.45 | 50.00% |
SPT | AVGO | 09/10/24 | 141.60 | 09/20/24 | 171.33 | 21.00% |
SPT | EXP | 09/11/24 | 251.00 | 09/18/24 | 291.00 | 15.94% |
SPT | RTYU24* | 09/04/24 | 2171.40 | 09/11/24 | 2071.40 | 63.29% |
SPT | DIA240920C399 | 09/06/24 | 9.25 | 09/09/24 | 12.05 | 30.27% |
SPT | CAT* | 08/15/24 | 346.09 | 08/26/24 | 353.09 | -1.70% |
SPT | AVGO 240816C140 | 08/05/24 | 3.20 | 08/05/24 | 6.76 | 111.25% |
SPT | SPY* | 08/01/24 | 553.78 | 08/02/24 | 535.75 | 3.26% |
SPT | ESU24* | 08/01/24 | 5599.25 | 08/02/24 | 5386.00 | 81.39% |
SPT | NMIH | 07/03/24 | 34.33 | 07/31/24 | 40.92 | 19.20% |
SPT | HOV | 07/22/24 | 184.42 | 07/26/24 | 223.15 | 21.00% |
SPT | WM | 07/15/24 | 214.54 | 07/25/24 | 202.88 | -5.43% |
QUWB | QLD | 03/28/24 | 87.83 | 07/24/24 | 96.99 | 10.43% |
SPT | NVO | 06/04/24 | 137.27 | 07/18/24 | 127.27 | -7.48% |
SPT | MPWR | 06/10/24 | 766.06 | 07/17/24 | 861.38 | 12.44% |
SPT | RTYU24 | 07/11/24 | 2081.00 | 07/16/24 | 2261.00 | 125.87% |
SPT | IYR 240719P96 | 07/11/24 | 5.40 | 07/15/24 | 3.75 | -30.56% |
SPT | QQQ 240719P510 | 07/10/24 | 9.11 | 07/11/24 | 11.84 | 29.97% |
SPT | NQU24* | 06/25/24 | 19956.00 | 06/25/24 | 19856.00 | 10.27% |
SPT | MCD | 06/04/24 | 262.84 | 06/13/24 | 252.33 | 4.00% |
SPT | AXP240621C225 | 06/10/24 | 7.70 | 06/10/24 | 9.63 | 25.06% |
SPT | SPY240621C517 | 05/31/24 | 9.38 | 06/03/24 | 14.09 | 50.21% |
SPT | MCD* | 05/15/24 | 269.99 | 05/22/24 | 255.00 | 5.56% |
SPT | QQQ240621P457 | 05/15/24 | 9.72 | 05/22/24 | 6.77 | -30.77% |
SPT | GCM24 | 05/13/24 | 2340.10 | 05/17/24 | 2405.60 | 59.55% |
SPT | PPG240621P140 | 05/13/24 | 5.47 | 05/17/24 | 6.10 | 11.52% |
SPT | GS | 04/23/24 | 417.00 | 05/14/24 | 457.00 | 9.59% |
SPT | OSCR | 05/06/24 | 18.56 | 05/10/24 | 22.46 | 21.01% |
SPT | TJX240517C90 | 04/22/24 | 4.90 | 04/25/24 | 7.64 | 55.92% |
SPT | KKR* | 04/23/24 | 95.66 | 04/24/24 | 97.66 | -2.09% |
SPT | AFL240517C77.5 | 04/15/24 | 5.10 | 04/19/24 | 6.40 | 25.49% |
SPT | YMM24* | 04/15/24 | 38618.00 | 04/15/24 | 37945.00 | 38.20% |
SPT | META | 04/09/24 | 507.25 | 04/10/24 | 522.25 | 3.68% |
QUWB | QLD | 11/24/23 | 69.06 | 03/26/24 | 88.51 | 28.16% |
SSFE | ESZ24* | 11/12/24 | 6012.50 | 11/21/24 | 5970.00 | 13.01% |
SSFE | ESZ24 | 11/05/24 | 5813.00 | 11/12/24 | 6012.50 | 61.08% |
SSFE | ESZ24* | 10/22/24 | 5892.50 | 11/05/24 | 5813.00 | 24.34% |
SSFE | ESZ24 | 10/08/24 | 5800.50 | 10/22/24 | 5892.50 | 28.17% |
SSFE | ESZ24* | 09/25/24 | 5779.00 | 10/08/24 | 5800.50 | -7.26% |
SSFE | ESZ24 | 09/17/24 | 5702.00 | 09/25/24 | 5779.00 | 26.37% |
SSFE | ESZ24* | 09/13/24 | 5691.00 | 09/17/24 | 5702.00 | -3.99% |
SSFE | ESZ24 | 09/09/24 | 5479.50 | 09/13/24 | 5630.00 | 54.53% |
SSFE | ESU24* | 08/28/24 | 5611.50 | 09/09/24 | 5479.50 | 47.83% |
SSFE | ESU24 | 08/06/24 | 5264.75 | 08/28/24 | 5611.50 | 125.63% |
SSFE | ESU24* | 07/31/24 | 5556.50 | 08/06/24 | 5264.75 | 105.71% |
SSFE | ESU24 | 07/26/24 | 5499.25 | 07/31/24 | 5556.50 | 21.85% |
SSFE | ESU24* | 07/12/24 | 5670.25 | 07/26/24 | 5499.25 | 65.27% |
SSFE | ESU24 | 06/28/24 | 5523.50 | 07/12/24 | 5670.25 | 59.17% |
SSFE | ESU24* | 06/20/24 | 5545.00 | 06/28/24 | 5523.50 | 9.11% |
SSFE | ESU24 | 06/11/24 | 5384.00 | 06/20/24 | 5545.00 | 68.22% |
SSFE | ESM24* | 06/07/24 | 5356.00 | 06/11/24 | 5384.00 | -11.86% |
SSFE | ESM24 | 05/31/24 | 5296.75 | 06/07/24 | 5356.00 | 25.11% |
SSFE | ESM24* | 05/22/24 | 5329.50 | 05/31/24 | 5296.75 | 13.88% |
SSFE | ESM24 | 05/13/24 | 5245.50 | 05/22/24 | 5329.50 | 35.59% |
SSFE | ESM24* | 05/08/24 | 5211.50 | 05/13/24 | 5245.50 | -14.41% |
SSFE | ESM24 | 04/22/24 | 5048.75 | 05/08/24 | 5211.50 | 68.96% |
SSFE | ESM24* | 04/11/24 | 5242.50 | 04/22/24 | 5048.75 | 82.10% |
SSFE | ESM24 | 04/04/24 | 5197.50 | 04/11/24 | 5242.50 | 19.07% |
SSFE | ESM24* | 03/27/24 | 5310.25 | 04/04/24 | 5197.50 | 47.78% |
SSFE | ESM24 | 03/19/24 | 5242.50 | 03/27/24 | 5310.25 | 28.71% |
SSFE | ESM24* | 03/15/24 | 5183.00 | 03/19/24 | 5242.50 | -25.21% |
SSFE | ESH24 | 03/06/24 | 5112.00 | 03/15/24 | 5183.00 | 30.08% |
SSFE | ESH24* | 03/01/24 | 5145.25 | 03/06/24 | 5112.00 | 14.09% |
SSFE | ESH24 | 02/13/24 | 4971.75 | 03/01/24 | 5145.25 | 73.52% |
SSFE | ESH24* | 02/09/24 | 5043.75 | 02/13/24 | 4971.75 | 30.51% |
SSFE | ESH24 | 01/31/24 | 4868.75 | 02/09/24 | 5043.75 | 74.15% |
SSFE | ESH24* | 01/26/24 | 4917.00 | 01/31/24 | 4865.75 | 21.72% |
SSFE | ESH24 | 01/22/24 | 4881.75 | 01/26/24 | 4917.00 | 14.94% |
SSFE | ESH24* | 01/18/24 | 4811.00 | 01/22/24 | 4881.75 | -29.98% |
SSFE | ESH24 | 01/04/24 | 4729.75 | 01/18/24 | 4811.00 | 34.43% |
14.02 days
81.7 days
8.53 days
SVC is the service in which each trade was shared: SPT is Sal’s Private Trades, SSFE is Swinging SPY Futures Express, and QUWB is QQQ Ultra Wealthbuilder, temporarily available within SPT as a value-added bonus (it will eventually spin off into being our third service). If you are not already a subscriber but would enjoy receiving fast & profitable recommendations like these, join us! Or review some FREE sample trades. You can also easily compare & contrast both services. Or let Sal show you around the high points in a narrated website tour.
- Only Closed Positions up to end of a prior month (4-8 weeks ago) are shown.
- Currently open & more recently closed positions are FOR SUBSCRIBER EYES ONLY.
- Asterisked * Symbols are bearish, short selling trades, profiting if Exit Price < Entry Price.
- Track Record is sorted by Exit Date, most recent exit FIRST for each service.
- Any dividends or other extras collected while holding a position are added into the Exit Price.
- SPT Entry Price is determined by Entry Price or better posted in each trade alert.
- SPT Exit Price is most typically triggered by the execution of standing GTC Limit or STOP orders.
- QUWB Entry & Exit Price is the Market On Open price predetermined in the trade alert.
- SSFE Entry & Exit Price is determined by the 4pm ET close on the date the trade alert is shared.
- Profit or Loss % is calculated differently for each service due the nature of the trade types...
SPT profit/loss % is mostly straightforward: Exit Price – Entry Price / Entry Price = % Return. An exception is the small quantity of SPT futures trades. Please refer to the educational article What are futures? for an in-depth explanation of how to calculate futures returns.
SSFE has 2 ways to trade the position using either a SPY ETF or the ES Futures position. We consider the ES trade to be the core trade (and only show it in the above track record), though subscribers can readily play the very same bullish or bearish idea with the SPY ETF. Learn more about Futures & ETFs in the free Futures Primer webinar.
The ES trade has initial margin requirements to enter a trade, so the SSFE % results are calculated as follows: Exit Price – Entry Price = ES points x 50/Initial Overnight Margin Requirement. Learn more about the variables in this formula. ES Initial Overnight Margin Requirements evolve based upon the volatility and the price of the S&P index. During the time shown for this track record, those requirements were:
- 01/02/24 to 07/01/24 = $11,800
- 07/02/24 to 07/18/24 = $12,400
- 07/19/24 to 08/02/24 = $13,100
- 08/05/24 to 09/19/24 = $13,800
- 09/20/24 to 10/11/24 = $14,600
- 10/11/24 to Present = $16,330
Our Flagship Service: Sal's Private Trades
Enjoy approx. 4-10 novice-friendly, “just read them to your broker” recommendations each month aiming for quick profits of 1%-50% or more on each trade. The vast majority of recommendations are stocks but we also include some ETF, futures and call & put option trades too as ideal opportunities present themselves.
The Swinging SPY Futures Express
This novice-friendly service swing trades only the S&P500 index in approx. 3-5 new recommendations each month. When bullish, we share a buy (the SPY ETF or ES Futures) recommendation and when bearish we reverse it to a bearish (short-sell) position… back & forth, bull & bear, taking maximum advantage of short-term movements in the RIGHT direction.
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